Friday, March 16, 2007

about last night

I shaded my eyes from the sun as he set down the coffee by the bed and opened the blinds to let the bright London sunshine flood into his apartment. ‘I suppose you have to be getting back to your husband’, he said, sitting on the edge of the bed. Staring down into the still swirling coffee I nodded. ‘I know you must miss him, having to come away on your own like this’ he said. ‘yes’ I replied quietly, adding with a girlish grin ‘but you could say there are compensations.’ He smiled. ‘I got a couple of good woe-is-me-I’m-so-lonely blog entries out of it’ I said and his expression became more serious and understanding. ‘Oh, yes of course’ he said. ‘Just one question though Rilly...’ he began. I looked up from my coffee. ‘What’s with the always keeping one foot on the floor deal ? Is that a northern thing?’ 'No, silly’, I said, 'it’s just because my blog only alludes to that kind of thing , in a way that’s just enough to cause a knowing nod from the reader but firmly leaves them at the bedroom door. I have a question too', I said, pulling a pair of knickers out from under the bedclothes. ‘Whose are these?’ 'Oh', he said, 'I had girl with a one track mind over the other night.’ Oh, I said ‘you’re not…’ ‘In her book?’ ‘You are?’ ‘Page 74.’ ‘Crikey’, I said, ‘I think I’d better get dressed now.’ ‘You are dressed’ he said. ‘You told me it was because in the north it’s so cold and damp you have to sleep with all your clothes on or else you’ll get consumption.’ I got out of bed and as I looked at my slightly crumpled self in the mirror I realised that, for want of any original material coming my way in the forseeable future, my hope of getting a sex blog to turn into a companion volume for Strife in the North was just another aspiration that I abandoned when I moved to the north, left behind in my lovely house in Islington along with the light fittings, the carpets, and my dreams, sigh.


Anonymous said...

rilly you are priceless. i get a bigger kick out of reading your posts than i do reading the emails of the man i am having an affair with.

rilly super said...

oh gosh thanks anonymous, and I DO hope you're going to start a blog if you haven't already, either that or you can always just forward those emails and I'll post them up on here. No secrets here you know!

Anonymous said...

sadly, lover's emails would bore everyone to tears, far too sentimental. but my man has gone to the tropics for a couple of weeks and left me alone to survive this long cold canadian winter. sigh...

rilly super said...

Oh crikey, that's rotten. I won't pry as it must be all rather tricky. I just hope he makes seeing you his first priority on coming home. He will if he's got any sense cos you sound very nice. Take care now.

zumruduanka said...

sufism: Come, come again, whatever you are.. mevlana, turkey
Come, Come again ! Whatever you are... Whether you are infidel, idolater or fireworshipper. Whether you have broken your vows of repentance a hundred times This is not the gate of despair, This is the gate of hope. Come, come again... Not Christian or Jew or Muslim, not Hindu, Buddhist, sufi, or zen. Not any religion or cultural system. My place is placeless, a trace of the traceless. Neither body or soul. Mevlana Jelauddin RUMI

Chris at 'Chrissie's Kitchen' said...

I'm rilly, rilly worried about you Rilly. Attempted affairs (or even attempted one night flogs, as they are currently known)are rife with danger and fraught with unknown hazards, the least of which is 'Thou shalt not be found out' (11th commandment). Think also not just about about those'naughty transmitted diseases' but in particular things such as rising damp and Aurora Borealis,(a particularly nasty Northern blight) et al.

The Witch of the North sees all y'know.

Be v. careful.

rilly super said...

zumruduanka, thanks ever so for visiting. This blog has hitherto been more sushi than sufi however perhaps I will look into what you offer. Your comment has reminded me to return 'hideous kinky' to the video rental shop however. I borrowed it because I wanted to see how Kate Winslett peformed in a 'young mother in a strange far away land with different customs and with no husband to help' role, as she's on the shortlist to play me in the film of my book

lizzie darling, thanks for dropping by, and for your heartfelt concern for my welfare, which touches me deeply. Aurora Borealis sounds like a grave northern maladie indeed, but the risk is outweighed by the impossibilty of getting televison digitalis once you travel north of Milton Keynes. It's such a tricky balance to get just the right amount of romantic interludes to hit the marketing demographic, I mean please my loyal readers. I hope I don't overstep and blow any possible sales, I mean cause any undue concern for my friends such as yourself. Thanks for your kind words and I do hope you will visit again.