vote early, vote often

Vote here
I've promised the children they can have new shoes if I get enough votes, well, when I say new shoes, I should say I meant they can just have shoes full stop. Thanks for the nominations and let's just all hope none of the candidates gets carried away and starts taking it a bit too seriously. Please have a look at the other categories while you are there because some great blogs with which you will be familar and which you will want to support are nominated as well.
Dearest Rilly, I have voted for you and, apart from when I'm in Ibiza (pray for me), I shall be visiting once a day x
Rilly, you have surpassed yourself - two blogs in one day.
I have been and clicked...
O.K. done!
Gosh, what a sweetie pie! Marvellous doncha think??
Yet again, I feel like I have been living under a stone or something - all this excitement had completely passed me by!
Anyway, I have now made up for lost time, and cast my vote, and will continue to do so until voting closes. Go Rilly!
As M&M said - two blogs in one day! Bloody hell Rilly - it's hard enough for me to catch up with one or two blogs a week!
(I've voted for you btw - via the link in the blog post below - Best of Oop North to you!)
Good luck Rilly. I too have voted...
Have clicked - nothing happened; no 'Ta Da', no fireworks. Hope it works - will continue to click daily.
thankyou ever so much. you can also vote for:
lady macloed ( category 3)
maryam in marakesh ( also nr 3)
devil's kitchen ( category 4)
daily referundum (category 6)
chip dale (category 11)
wife in the north (category 13)
Good to see you are outnumbering wifey by two to one..
Nunhead - Where did you get you those shoes. They are sexy beyond belief, and beyond what it is safe in my opinion. Can I offer you a free foot massage to recover from wearing them?
Dear Rilly - sexy beyond belief and your feet hurt like hell once removed so a massage would be very welcome, thank you. I'm not taking them to Ibiza - David forbids it. y'know, in case I fall over in them and am picked up.
Shoes are from and they're Christian Louboutin Cravouza Satin. They're the nicest shoes I own!
Rilly darling, I've anonymised you! I meant of course to write Dear anonymous instead.
But the rest of my post still stands but only if anonymous becomes less so.....
Have clicked - or perhaps that's just my knees.
Well, I do hope you win, then. The children should get shoes! I have not yet asked my readers to vote for me, and probably won't.
My second day of voting and I see by the results that it looks like your kids might not have to traipse through the grim north with bloody tattered feet for much longer -
Good luck Rilly!!
Looking good Rilly, good luck.
Nothing wrong with begging, i often buy the man outside the boulangerie some bread.
and just in case you're not checking obsessively, when I just cast my vote (1805 gmt) you were ahead by 2 points!
Vive le conflit dans le nord!
Okay, Rilly. Let's cut out the vote rigging, shall we. I want a fair fight, unless of course you can send some of those votes my way in my articulate wordsmith category. Come on, what do you say? You know you can win this for me.
yes, please do support chip as well because those tiny thongs provide precious little, even if you had ever seen his act and what this man can do flexibilty- wise you would say he should be awarded most articulated as well as articulate...
Man oh man your plea for the sympathy vote out weighs my cheery request! In spite of your sad little shoe ploy I voted for you anyway.
I have voted for you because you're fab...but I'm not sure the kids need new shoes more than once every five years or so. Just tie the old ones together with string and a bit of chip fat and they should be good for a couple more years. I know you are not yet familiar with the ways of the locals, but I can tell you that we'll have none of your Southern fancy schmanzy footwear oop North thank you very much!!
So glad it's going so well Rilly. I'm voting for you.
thank you to everyone who's voting for me, I'd also like to thank my agent, my mother, and Gwynneth Paltrow...Oh well, back to reality, got to get organised for the girl's riding lesson tommorow, sigh. That's just between you and me by the way, as I haven't told Milly and Tilly about it yet...
Haven't you found those kiwi shearers yet Rilly? Thought you would've been round there before you can say Inga Tuigamala.
You're winning!!
Wow Rilly, I didn't know anything about those awards, I feel as though I have been struggling to keep up with you recently. I see you are winning tonight. Great stuff. You are indeed supremely funny.
Rilly, you are of course forging ahead by miles. And so you should be! Thanks for all the laughs.
Rilly, Rilly, Rilly. I cannot quite believe what I am reading. You think I am over-rated? You mean this isn't blog isn't a fond tribute? I couldn't believe it when I heard you were advising your readers to vote for me in Category 13. "Rilly! Rilly wouldn't do that to me," I may have sobbed. Well, I want you to know that I have been voting for you and in a nice way.
wifey, dry your eyes! You know that most people who read this blog read you as well and they would know you were added to that comment with a little mischievous wink. I promise I didn't nominate you for that category and you can see that you are in no danger of winning it. As for 'most entertaining', well, we're both getting thrashed by your chum Appleyard in that one so we can cry our eyes out together when the votes close, sob
I note you say you didn't nominate me for it. I presume that means you did vote for me though. Eventually, I am sure I will forgive you; I hope my heart hurt won't linger like a sea fret in our village street.
I don't really mind (in fact I quite like the idea of being the most over rated female out there.)
If you'd told me that before I would have voted for you darling, oh gawd, I feel awful now, but I fear I couldn't have prevented that Guido chap running away with that one. He does seem to be very popular, sigh
But,are you sure that's a fret and not just the effect of opening the bathroom window after the boys have been in there dear?
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